Sherlock’s Locksmith just finished a new lock installation for a client in Pittsburgh, PA. They had just moved into their new apartment and got worried about home security since then. In response to their request and to help them feel safer, we replaced the old knob and deadbolt locks on their front door with new ones.

Our skilled locksmiths did a full security check of the building, looking at things like the door’s material, the strength of the frame, and how vulnerable it was overall. We recommended using high-quality knob and deadbolt locks based on their specific needs. After removing the old locks, we put the new hardware carefully in place and tested the door to make sure it worked perfectly. The upgraded locks provide an advanced level of security, offering our client the peace of mind they seek in their new residence.

Starting a new life in a rented apartment is exciting, but making sure your new home is safe and secure is a crucial thing. A great way to feel safer and maintain your privacy is by changing the locks on your front door. This smart move not only makes the place secure but also guarantees that only you can get into your new home.

Upgrading Front Door Locks for a New Rented Apartment

Invest in High-Quality Locks on Front Doors

Installing high-quality locks that meet the most recent security standards should be your top priority. Choose a deadbolt lock, which is known for being strong and making it harder for people to get in. The deadbolt should have a minimum one-inch throw to make the door stronger against thieves.

Seek the Approval of the Landlord or Property Manager

It is essential to get permission from the owner or property manager before replacing anything. Communication is key to building a trustworthy relationship, and getting permission makes sure that you adhere to lease agreements and local rules. Most of the time, landlords like it when renters take steps to make their homes safer.

Choose a Reputable Locksmith Pittsburgh for a Seamless Lock Replacement

Choosing a trustworthy locksmith in Pittsburgh is very important for a smooth lock installation and repair. There are a lot of new security features on the market these days, and a skilled locksmith can tell you a lot about them. To be sure of a reliable service, give more weight to professionals with a track record and excellent reviews.

Keep a Spare Key in a Secure Location

After replacing the lock, our locksmith experts suggest keeping a spare key somewhere safe, like with a trusted friend or in a secure lockbox. Also, keep the lines of communication open with the landlord and let them know about any changes that you have made.

Consider Upgrading to Keyless Entry Systems or Smart Locks

When thinking about replacing your locks, it is a great idea to think about getting smart locks or keyless entry systems. These modern options are easy to use and add an extra layer of safety. With modern features like remote entry and activity tracking, smart locks are a great way to keep your home safe.

At Sherlock’s Locksmith, we know how meaningful it is to have peace of mind, especially when it comes to the locks on your front door. Moving into a newly rented apartment in Pittsburgh is a big event, and we want you to feel safe and happy during the process. With our lock installation service, we guarantee you the peace of mind you need in your new home. Trust us to secure your beginnings and create a home where safety meets comfort. Call us today for free consultation, or request pricing and availability directly on Yelp.
